Waste/Recycling/Environmental - N/A, N/A, NL
ClimateLaunchpad is the world's smartest green business ideas competition. Our mission is to unlock the world's cleantech potential that addresses climate change. The competition creates a stage for those ideas. ClimateLaunchpad is part of the Entrepreneurship offerings of @EIT Climate-KIC.We are people determined to address the negative impacts of climate change by way of innovation and invention. We are dead serious about tackling climate change. And we're convinced that investing in ideas and entrepreneurs is the way to go about it. A green and clean future demands thousands of innovations challenging the current business models. There are a lot of great ideas out there for improving lives and reducing emissions. Some of them remain in the idea stage, never taking the next step and becoming viable. Some of them need an extra push. They need a bit of mentoring. Some training. The benefit of experience. They need lessons from entrepreneurial failures and successes. With coaching and support, a number of ideas can become reality.Read more about our competition on our website: http://climatelaunchpad.org/
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