Computer Software - Vallentuna, Stockholm County, Sweden
Clue develops business and IT systems, primarily on a consultancy basis. Clue normally works with a single customer in each of the business segments we are hired to help in. However, even though we to a significant extent have worked with, and we believe contributed to, our clients becoming market leaders, we have held as a policy not to overtly profile our own corporate name in that context. Examples of customers and engagements are: • TV4, the leading commercial TV channel in Sweden: Sales support, advertising reservation system, revenue forecast system, advertising optimization system.• Carat Television, a European media agency: Booking System, Planning Tools, and Forecast Tools• Max Matthiessen, the leading insurance broker: Managing the entire internal system for handling and selling insurance.Various clients with assignments confidential in nature:• Apple• Tiderman's rental machines/HLL Rental• Volvo• Scania• ABB • Skandia insurances• Stockholmsgruppen Modeling Agency• Aftonbladet, Swedish evening newspaper • Expressen, Swedish evening newspaper
DreamHost SSL
Microsoft Office 365
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