Renewables & Environment - Hudson, New York, United States
Worldwide demand for carbon black is growing. At the same time the price of oil, from which carbon black is manufactured, has returned to high levels. As a result, the cost of carbon black is increasing. Customers are ready for an alternative.That alternative is ApexCM™, a proprietary carbon-based reinforcing and tinting agent extracted from rubber products and marketed by Carbolytic Materials Company. ApexCM™ provides similar properties as carbon black, but at a significantly lower cost. Rubber or plastic products that normally use N700 or N900 carbon black can utilize ApexCM. Certain applications that use N500 and N600 may also be able to utilize ApexCM. This superior material supports your reinforcement and tinting requirements in a variety of markets such as automotive, agricultural, construction, electronics, and industrial equipment. This carbon black replacement may be used in a wide variety of applications like hoses, gaskets, belts, rubber boots and mounts, roofing material, bags, black agricultural film, tank liners, plastic piping, and sheet plastic. Depending upon specific needs, many products and applications that currently use carbon black may benefit from high-quality, low-cost ApexCM as a replacement.Feel free to browse our Website. For technical information or to learn more about how you can benefit from ApexCM, please contact our North American sales office at 770-317-9638.
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