Coding and Robotics Education Australia

Education/Training - 30 Campbell street Blacktown, N/A, AU

Coding and Robotics Education Australia Details

CodingPro Education is committed to not just providing education by way of building knowledge. Our main goal is to instil passion for particular STEM Disciplines such as Coding, Robotics, Design, AR & VR, AI, and Drone Technology. We have similar operations internationally in Singapore & New Zealand. In those years, we have educated hundreds of students over many locations. Our Program has evolved from Workshops and Bootcamps to School Incursions and After-School Term Programs over a number of Primary & High Schools. Our delivery of Technology Education from a distance has won special popularity due to the use of modern technology and a consistent approach of instruction to Primary & High School Students.Coding is as much about creativity as it is about math, science, and problem-solving. The stereotype of computer programmers as math scares many people away from coding, adults and children alike but coding is creating things that come to life like drawings, games, robots, applications, websites and even software.

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Employees: 20 - 49
Location: 30 Campbell street Blacktown, N/A, AU
Revenue: Not Available
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Coding and Robotics Education Australia is a leading provider of technology education in the country. Located in Suite 106b, Level 1, 30 Campbell Street, Blacktown, NSW, the company offers a range of programs and workshops aimed at instilling a passion for STEM disciplines such as coding, robotics, design, AR & VR, AI, and drone technology in students. With operations in Singapore and New Zealand, CodingPro Education has educated hundreds of students across various locations and has evolved its program to include school incursions, after-school term programs, and distance learning. The company's unique approach to technology education focuses on creativity and problem-solving, breaking away from the stereotype of computer programming as a purely mathematical and scientific pursuit. CodingPro Education's programs are designed to bring technology to life, allowing students to create games, robots, applications, websites, and software that inspire and engage. With a team of experienced educators and a commitment to providing high-quality education, CodingPro Education is helping to shape the next generation of technology leaders in Australia.

CodingPro Education wants to inspire kids to love learning about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects like coding, robotics, design, AR & VR, AI, and drone technology. We have programs in Singapore and New Zealand and have taught hundreds of students in different locations. We offer workshops, bootcamps, and after-school programs for primary and high school students. Our programs are popular because we use modern technology and teach in a way that's fun and easy to understand. Coding is not just about math and science, it's also about being creative and bringing ideas to life. It's like drawing, playing games, building robots, and making apps and software. We want to break the stereotype that coding is only for math whizzes and show that anyone can do it.

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