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Coilhouse is a love letter to alternative culture. Closer to a coffee-table book than a disposable periodical, Coilhouse Magazine covered fearless forms of art, music, fashion, film, technology and literature. The daily-updated Coilhouse blog served as a global, grassroots community for artists, thinkers, makers and doers. "Coilhouse was a really glorious and groundbreaking thing, and will remain so. A lovely and extraordinary work of art. And of love." – William Gibson"Y'know how, some magazines, you buy 'em, then toss 'em right when you're done reading them — but others, you stick on your bookshelf and keep 'em forever? Coilhouse is a keeper." – Xeni Jardin"Futurist visions of the present." – Bruce Sterling"There are three things sitting by my bed – Moby Dick, a few of my favorite comics, and Coilhouse. It's an object of beauty, it's something wonderful. I think it's smart, it doesn't condescend. It's my favorite magazine in the world right now, and I read a lot of magazines. It doesn't look like anything else out there." – Clive Barker"Consistently astounding design. The single most beautiful magazine I have seen in years." – Richard Taylor"Their blog is brilliant, & their magazine is truly unparalleled. In a world where the word ‘magazine' is synonymous with ‘dross', Coilhouse is glorious, a glistening tribute to all that is magnificent about ink on paper." – Gala Darling"One of the most stunning, subversive magazines."- Molly Crabapple"I clearly recall reading RE/SEARCH and Mondo 2000 and bOINGbOING way back in the old days, and when I read Coilhouse, I get the same joyful and magical feeling. I wish I could live in the world that I see whenever I open a new issue." – Wil Wheaton