Higher Education - Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Georgia Tech's College of Computing is a top 10 program in computing education and research. We are a growing, global computing community nearly 50 years in the making. Our goal is nothing less than to change the world - for the better - through computing.With 17 specialized degree programs amongst its three schools, the College of Computing has the highest job placement rate of any program at Georgia Tech. Graduates, on average, have the highest starting salary of any major at Georgia Tech. Distinguished faculty and a tightly-knit sense of community differentiate GT Computing from other computer science programs. Within the Schools of Computer Science, Interactive Computing, and Computational Science & Engineering, renowned computing experts train the technology leaders and innovators of tomorrow.In 2013, the College of Computing at Georgia Tech made history with the launch of its Online Master of Science in Computer Science (OMS CS) program (http://www.omscs.gatech.edu) - the first of its kind. This completely digital, masters degree program has been lauded by educational leaders across the globe, including President Barak Obama, as the next step in providing high quality and affordable, education alternatives.