Investment Management - Lusaka, Lusaka Province, Zambia
Collins Mutual Limited was formed for the purpose of managing investment assets and funds for the companies and staff members of the group.In 2017, Collins Mutual Limited identified opportunities to manage investments not only for the Group but for investors as well. The Company has established in roads with local Governments in order to empower them as they prepare for decentralization. We are partnering with local institutions to identify and manage revenue streams that will contribute to the creation of jobs and increase revenues which will enable Councils to be self-sustaining.AREAS WE INVEST IN:» Properties - housing, office spaces, hotels and malls» Education - universities and colleges» Agriculture and agri-businesses» Energy - power generation and distribution» Manufacturing» Infrastructure - Toll gates, Roads, Energy, Dams and Water linesPROPERTY DEVELOPMENTOur goal is to be the biggest asset manager in real estate. Zambia is in need of 3 million good standard housing units and Collins Mutual has placed itself to partner with local authorities to buy land and build good standard housing units. Collins Mutual is to raise and invest USD5 billion in real estate over a period of 15 years.