Retail - Bakersfield, California, United States
Colors of Faith is designed to take the colors of the liturgy, which are displayed through the priest, or minister's vestments and elsewhere throughout the church and bring them to use in your home or office, allowing you to show your love and faith in the Lord. Since the earliest times in Christianity, colors have been used to display different periods, or moods to honor or memorialize different days throughout the year. We allow you to share in this by providing you with a lovely mahogany cross with properly colored stoles to drape over the cross and a calendar displaying the appropriate color for each day of the year. Simple to use, and very decorative, it can be utilized by any one as a part of a display of faith and love for the lord, or as an understated display of your faith for an office or home.For those who wish to pursue even deeper, we provide detailed monthly calendars available through our website noting not only the color for each day but the particular, feast, memorial or solemnity that is being honored or remembered that day. This allows the opportunity to use your display as an educational aid for yourself and your children, by creating a talking point about the occasion and highlighting some of the extraordinary events and people that have created the deep history of our faith.