Consumer Services - , ,
Combine broadband Cable is a privately held MSO (Multiple Systems Operator) that ranks among the top 10 largest cable television companies in the Pakistan , serving nearly 2.5 million viewers/ and about 200000 customers in Quetta city and 60 offices through out Quetta district and more then 400 r&d staff combine broad have laid 500 km of fiber optic through out Quetta city making 5 ring to feed all over Quetta . We offer a host of video entertainment and communications products ranging from digital video to advanced state-of-the-art broadband Internet access and digital phone services (coming soon). Combine broadband Cable is committed to providing customers with the highest quality service and value throughout the many communities we serve. This commitment has resulted in the wide-scale deployment of optional digital cable services, available to over ninety seven percent of our customer base. In addition to over 200 channels now offered to the majority of combine broadband Cable communities served, high-speed internet to all the household of Quetta city.