Individual & Family Services - Terni, Umbria, Italy
"CHILDREN OF MENTALLY ILL PARENTS - Associazione di Promozione Sociale", is the first Italian not for profit organization created by and for daughters and sons of parents with a mental illness. Our mission is to raise awareness, advocate, train professionals and create support resources for children, teenagers, young adults and adults who have one or both parents suffering from a mental illness. In particular, our aim is to support children of parents who are refusing and/or not getting treatment, the more at risk of not receiving any help. We promote resilience and peer support. Our registered office is located in Terni (center of Italy), but we work in different area's across Italy and Europe and we have connections in the U.S.A., Canada and Australia. We are partners of the EU Erasmus+ Project "Share4Carers" and we collaborate with EUROCARERS' in their advocacy work for young carers within the EU Parliament. In Italy we launched the Project "When Mum or Dad Are Unwell" that received support and recognition from the Italian Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents and we work with schools to raise awareness through prevention activities.Every year we organize the event "Lives of Young Carers" and assign a prize to whom, within cinema, literature, comics, journalism or in other fields, has given voice or has created support resources for daughters and sons of parents with a mental illness. We published the book "When Mum or Dad Are Unwell - miniguide for survival for daughters and sons of parents with a mental illness" written by Stefania Buoni and delivered a TEDxTalk with the same title which until now has been translated into 11 languages.
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