Nonprofit Organization Management - Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Common Good Atlanta provides incarcerated people and formerly incarcerated people with broad, democratic access to higher education so they can develop a better understanding of both themselves and the societal forces at work around them. OUR CORE CONVICTIONS✨ We believe that broad, democratic access to higher education strengthens the common good of communities.✨ We believe that a college education helps people develop a deeper understanding of both themselves and the societal forces at work around them. ✨ We believe that communities are weakened when access to higher education is restricted on the basis of wealth, privilege, or class.✨ We believe that higher education can restore dignity and reconnect people to their own humanity, allowing incarcerated people to transform their influence on society from negative to positive.OUR IMPACT12 YEARS SERVINGBeginning at Phillips State Prison, Common Good Atlanta has expanded its work into two other prison facilities, Metro Reentry Facility and Whitworth Women's Facility.4,000 HOURS TAUGHTOver 50 professors from six universities have taught thousands of hours of college level courses to incarcerated men and women across Georgia.35+ COLLEGE COURSESIncluding Shakespeare, Memoir Writing, Nonviolent Political Theory, Neuroscience, and Algebra.