Professional Services software - N/A, N/A, FI
Communication Pro offers simple to complex DAMs (Digital Asset Management). We simplify your use and distribution of content.No matter the size of your DAM service, it has incredible power in a simple interface configured to your needs. What we do with MediaBank DAM is to make it easy for groups to capture, organize and share all the information that matters.Customers use MediaBank portals to provide easy self-service access to imagery for retailers and distributors worldwide, virtually eliminating image requests.Fast, precise searching using any web browser (mobile friendly) allows users express access to everything from virtually anywhere. Scroll through hundreds or thousands of items with no waiting. Regardless of the size of your collection, you will quickly find exactly what you're looking for.Other systems have too many features, structures and requirements. Communication Pro makes it easy to build and customize DAM, and it is easy to use.The Communication Pro differenceWe're not just your standard out-of-the-box DAM solution, we're your partner. Your business challenges are our business challenges. We're in the trench with you every single step of the way.All of our customers receive the same service no matter how big or small. The dedication we have to them is the Communication Pro competitive advantage.With over 25 years of experience Communication Pro is the trusted DAM vendor thanks to our reliability, flexibility, performance, and customer service.Communication Pro:n tehtävänä on auttaa asiakkaita hallitsemaan paremmin valtavia kuva- ja tiedostomääriä mielekkäästi. Liikeideamme perustuu asiakkaidemme työnkulun tehokkuuden ja henkilöstön osaamistason nostamiseen. Sen ansiosta yritys saa täyden hallinnan aineistoilleen ja kulut laskevat. Yhdistämme toimintaprosessit, sisällöt ja teknologiat asiakkaidemme toimintaa kehittävällä tavalla. Toimintamme pohjana ovat työskentelytavat, jotka ottavat huomioon nykypäivän vaativat tarpeet.
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