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ABOUT A collaborative social hub with a focused purpose: bringing the right people together to do great things. MISSION We believe that humans have an innate desire to connect with one another and aim to enhance, not change, that experience to unlock the potential of the individual. Company Overview Communitas: an unstructured community in which people are equal, or to the very spirit of community and Communitas is an intense community spirit, the feeling of great social equality, solidarity, and togetherness. WHAT IS COMMUNITAS AND HOW DOES IT WORK? Communitas is a free service and, when launched, open to anyone with a .edu email address. Users build an online persona within your Communitas profile and can create projects pertaining to, but not limited to: business, technology, organizations, the arts, recreational activities, nonprofits, collectives, seminars, community projects, etc. Communitas uses your location and connects you with people who are compatible, share your passion, and desired skillset.