Think Tanks - Chesterfield, Massachusetts, United States
A Community-Based Education Network ™ (CBEdu) is a community engagement framework developed by Sienna Wildfield ( which supports a social movement towards a new culture of learning. The guiding principles of a CBEdu Network begin with the aim of creating and contributing to an intentional culture of learning within the context of the places we live (and visit). By engaging with local events, resources, and opportunities as a method of supporting interests and education, and through leveraging local culture that promotes community values, the principles applied through a CBEdu Network strengthen a sense of place while giving communities agency over their learning. The result unites people, places, interests, and personal/community values through purposeful engagement that strengthens the social fabric of our communities through shared interests and values.We work best with social change-makers, educators, and those who share the goal of creating meaningful lives for themselves and others. This includes learning institutions, community organizers, business improvement districts, the nonprofit sector, social enterprises, parents, and both traditional and non-traditional educators, administrators and self-directed learners.