Automotive - Spokane, WA, US
The revolutionary Tango combines the speed and agility of a motorcycle with the security of a high-performance sports car.Using the right tool for the job People want to go where they want to go, when they want to go, while being able to take along things they need now, or might need on occasion. So they drive cars with four or five empty seats. None of the alternatives to the automobile (like bikes, motorcycles or public transportation) come close to replacing it, at least to the workers in the US who commute in over 106-million single occupant vehicles, the direct cause of commuter traffic congestion. A car now exists that is the right tool for the job of commuting and running errands alone or even with a passenger. This is because the Tango fits in half a lane with more clearance than a truck has in a full lane. According to a Booz-Allen-Hamilton/University of California, Berkeley study, a car the size of the Tango would increase freeway lane capacity from 2,000 to 4,400 cars per hour. For most commuters, the Tango is the fastest, safest, most practical, time saving, and fun way to get to where you want to be. That may sound like a lot of hype, but studying the various aspects of the Tango, one will find it to be absolutely true. Why would a carpenter use a sledge hammer to drive finish nails? Only if it was the only hammer he had. This is precisely the situation with commuter traffic in dense cities. The Tango is the right tool for urban commuting.
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