N/A - Brugge, N/A, BE
Today, your prospects are doing more independent research than they ever have. Some won't even talk to your sales until they are ready to buy. That is where word-of-mouth comes in.During the 21st century buying process, chances are that you will do your research online and ask peers (friends) for advice that will guide you to a right solution. But how can a company get this level of trust from people buying stuff from you?More likely, these businesses are companies that share their success with their customers, create an environment that makes it easy to buy from, to delight by exceeding expectations on a day-to-day basis, create loyalty and love.Achieving this status of trust, requires an integrated effort from all customer facing teams in the company.Turning strangers into friends is a cyclic process of attracting visitors with valuable content and easy access to information, interacting with buyers on their terms and finally help, support, and empower customers to reach their goals.Our focus is to help you with advice and tools to accomplish an exceptional customer experience, from 'stranger' to 'friend'Engage: - Content marketing plan & execution- Conversion path design & implementation- Social media strategy and execution- Markting automation- SEO strategy & execution- Advertising strategy & managementInteract:- CRM- Sales automation- Sales enablement- Sales & marketing alignment- Data integrationsDelight:- Service process improvement- Ticketing- Chatbots- Knowledge base- Customer feedbackStrategy:- Brand experience- Ideal friend - buyer persona - customer journey- KPI setting - dashboardingHow to start this journey?With a quick scan we help you determine where your real challenge lies.After this exercise you know the goals, questions and deliverables per segment of the process and allow us to propose an action plan.More info: book a call with Christophe https://meetings.hubspot.com/cleenknecht
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