Political Organization - Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
ConAct – the Coordination Center for German-Israeli Youth Exchange is a nationwide working service and information center for exchange projects between German and Israeli youths, located in the sector of non-formal education. Since 2001 ConAct administers the funding of German-Israeli youth exchange, supports exchange programs between young people and offers qualified trainings for professionals in the field of German-Israeli youth work.The employees of ConAct inform about organizational requirements and offer assistance in the educational preparation of exchange projects, arrange contacts between new partners from both countries and organize information days and professional conferences. Each year, over 300 projects of extracurricular education are financially and pedagogically supported. ConAct works on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, supported by the federal states of Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.We concentrate on…- providing information, networks and partners within the field of German-Israeli youth exchange- advising German-Israeli project partnerships on the preparation and organization of joint youth exchange programs and trainings for professionals in youth work- developing educational papers for planning and realizing German-Israeli youth meetings- formulating central questions for the further development of German-Israeli youth encounters – which already involve the third and fourth generation after the beginning of private contacts and diplomatic relations between Germany and Israel- planning conferences and seminars for the exchange of experiences and for further qualifying leaders of youth groups and multiplicators within German-Israeli youth exchange- discovering new ideas for pilot-projects within German-Israeli youth exchange
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