Real Estate - North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
All good decisions start with information. Condopedia allows for the free flow of information regarding residential buildings by using Wikipedia's MediaWiki platform. Rather than MLS and real estate sites that focus on selling individual units, this is an information portal for the building as a whole. You're booking a trip and you need a hotel. Maybe you check TripAdvisor?You're thinking of buying a book. Do you check Amazon for customer reviews?You're in the market for a car. But you won't sign anything until you check Consumer Reports.Now you're buying a condominium, where most financial experts agree is where you place 84% of your overall wealth. Where do you go? Condopedia.comCondopedia is opening up the mysterious world of condominium and co-operative buildings to all. Whether you're in the market to buy or rent in a condominium or cooperative building, whether you're aggressively researching or casually interested - we offer to you, for free, the platform that lets you get the goods from those in the know, whether it's a realtor, a resident, an architect or a neighbor.Read. Learn. Vote. Discuss ... each and every individual building on