Management Consulting - Hazelwood, MO, US
The "Dream Team" We eliminate your union nightmares 99% SUCCESS RATE!Many would ask what sets us apart from the rest? It's simple we do what others haven't done .... WE WIN!Condra & Associates Employer Consulting and Professional Service is a proactive labor relations firm that specializes in reconnecting management with its workforce.Anthony Condra is a former high ranking organizer for the SEIU which is one of the largest and most hostile unions. He singlehandedly organized 250,000 employees and he wrote the book on their strategies. Because of his extensive campaign knowledge, he knows how unions think, how they react, and how to win! We can provide an inside edge when it comes to implementing strategies during campaigns because we can anticipate the union's next move and counteract it. The union will wage a fierce battle against the company in order to get in. They would like to establish their stronghold within the minds of the employees. In order to successfully defeat them you need consultants who know how to strategically diffuse this hostile environment, and Condra and Associates is that team. Our staff consists of legal counselors, former union members, and professionals from various fields. Our consultants will educate and inform your employees about the enticements and pitfalls of the union. They will also be able to let your employees know, that unions are not the answer. So when it comes to campaigns, petitions, strikes, and decerts we all have seen our share. Our company's uniqueness enables us to go into any environment with staffing flexibility. We are able to customize our team depending upon the facility's needs.Statistically, attorney led campaigns are not effective. Campaigns are not legal issues for the employees they are personal. If you want to win.......Call us! Condra and Associates 314-723-5380