Government Administration - , Shanghai Shi, China
Powered by Condé Nast and its world-leading multimedia brands, the Shanghai-based Center is the premier lifelong and executive fashion education provider in China. The Center's mission is to identify, cultivate, and inspire current and future talents for the fashion, media and design industry. It carries on Condé Nast's core value of authority, credibility and quality, and pushes new frontiers in innovation and insight. Leveraging Condé Nast's unparalleled industry resources, the Center offers a unique and active learning experience closely aligned to real-world practices. An array of professional full-time and part-time courses are offered in the fields of fashion, media, digital, design, luxury and business. Courses are tailored for individuals ranging from fresh university graduates, industry professionals, to senior executives from China and overseas. Supported by a world-class faculty of expert industry practitioners and academics, the Center equips participants with the knowledge, skills, mindset and network crucial to flourish in the industry, and actively connects participants with job opportunities in Condé Nast and its industry partners.