Mental Health Care - Singapore, , Singapore
The COVID 19 pandemic has challenged many both physically and mentally. With aims to reduce this stress and anxiety amongst many, "Connect the Thoughts" provides a platform for people to share their own experiences and any challenges that they face due to the pandemic. Our personal stories page has a collection of everyone's inspirational stories and we hope you can share yours too!In addition, "Connect the Thoughts" organises Zoom calls for people from all around the world to connect and share their experiences through "Talk it out" sessions. We also understand that many kids are still stuck in lockdown/quarantine and we want to help! Therefore, we have decided to run free online classes such as "bake with me" and "coding fundamentals" which will provide fun activities and a chance to socialise with others. If you have any special talent or classes that you want to run, get in touch with us and help support our community.
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