Information Technology & Services - Herut, Center District, Israel
21st Century; The Human Century. Contemporary humans face difficult challenges in a changing reality. The answer to these challenges lies in the innate ability to realize the full potential of the human capital embedded in us, to be preeminence above the machine, the realization of the human nature skills is the answer to the challenges of the 21st century. The company technologies disclose a method/system/apparatus/algorithm that can provide immediate assessment of Voice Harmony and allow the user to assess the degree of change in voice quality after the application of Switch My Mind (SMM) a self-improvement methodology. Changes in the voice put in evidence the ability of the speaker to switch psychophysiological mechanisms to transcend his/her instinctual and automatic modus operandi in terms of emotions, thoughts and related speech production and provides the user with a quantitative and qualitative feedback to assess and quantify his/her progress in an interesting and pleasant fashion.Our application can, on the basis of short voice sample (0.25sec) vowel pronunciation, not only define the very accurate personal voice signature of the speaker, but in addition, can characterize subtle changes in the voice disconnected from the particular voice signature. These changes properly defined, parametrized and processed enable our system to qualify and quantify parameters of Harmony, Entropy, Musicality, Natural Order and Environmental Synchronization patterns in the voice of the trainee, all integrated into an algorithm that qualify and quantify consciousness aspects of the speaker to a high degree of accuracy.Once established, the processed data is used as feedback to make the speaker aware of changes in the quality of his/her voice before and after various types of manipulations or the exposure to a training schedule designed to encourage a Conscious Speech based Homeostasis