Staffing and Recruiting - Thornton Township, Illinois, United States
Connections Training and Staffing, Inc. is a women owned business with an abundance of local knowledge. Delivering over 10 years of recruiting and staffing expertise to the Rocky Mountain region. We are a full-service staffing agency who recruits for all positions from construction day labor to skilled CNC machinists to professional sales and marketing executives. We ensure the best-fit candidate for all open positions. We are dedicated to delivering rapid, affordable solutions for our client's personnel needs.Connections is a social enterprise. While we are not a non-profit organization the culture of our Company is to perform our business operations with a social mission. Our mission is to help Colorado's unemployed find work; providing them the opportunity to financially support themselves and their families. In turn, breaking the benefit cycle faced by the underemployed and reducing taxpayer burden. Our recruiting methods are far reaching, screening applicants who might be overlooked by other staffing companies. We will work to match the demands of the business community with a diverse workforce. Wherever possible we will match job skills to workers who have barriers to employment. We have built our success on the value of relationships and an unwavering, commitment to customer service. Our mission is to improve our customer's productivity, efficiency and cost savings by providing quality employees, quick responses and round-the-clock availability.
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