Civil Engineering - Portsmouth, RI, United States
- ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS - CTE performs engineering, design and structural analysis for the construction phase of demanding infrastructure projects with an emphasis on long span bridges and vertically slipformed projects such as offshore concrete structures. Our work includes construction systems, equipment design and means-and-methods engineering for concrete and steel bridges, including arch bridges.We also offer engineering services for heavy lifting and launching for a variety of projects, for post-tensioning and construction temporary works, as well as general structural engineering services.Our work includes concept development, engineering, detailed design, peer reviews and technical assistance. We are known for developing innovative solutions based on real field experience and for keeping our clients on track and out of trouble.We work to make your project a success. Michael Veegh, P.E.Tel: +1 401 841 0623Email: mveegh1@cox.netWe also represent the following companies in North America: - Gleitbau GBG • World leader in vertical slipform construction - Norway Steel Group • Quality steel fabrication for world-wide delivery
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