Education Management - Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
CTC at GJU provides a real and true reflection of the ambitions and directives of the German Jordanian University towards investing in people. We genuinely believe that manpower and human resources sit at the centerpiece towards fulfilling institutional mission both at the micro and macro levels. Raising levels of knowledge and skill acquisition combined with enhancing professional performance are amongst our top priorities.Our Objectives - Utilize university's academic, technical and administrative resources and assets in serving the local community and supporting national developmental goals. - Organize conferences, seminars and specialized workshops in areas falling within the realm of center's mandate and partake in organizing scientific conferences taking place on- and off-campus.- Strengthen scientific cooperation between the kingdom and Germany through collaborative research endeavors together with fostering training venues of mutual benefits.- Augment the consultation and training market with a center that fosters productivity and competitiveness.- Consolidate all forms of cooperation between the university, on the one hand, and local and international higher education and research institutes, on the other.- Complement university students with the necessary skills to effectively function in a highly competitive job market.- Exploit academic and administrative talents at the university to develop local human resources and execute various studies mandated by the university.- Promote faculty's creative and genuine IPs and projects and help market them locally and regionally.- Promote all schools to targeted audiences locally and regionally.- Build comprehensive annual training strategies covering all possible fields of expertise and market them in a thoughtful and highly effective manner. - Follow up on faculty's consulting and training activities and manage them with utmost professionalism.- Consolidate university's revenues by promoting GJU.