Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS)

Management Consulting - Docklands, VIC, AU

Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS) Details

Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS) is a management consulting and advisory firm dedicated to delivering end-to-end business and management solutions.Since inception in 1995 CIS has differentiated itself by providing clients with ‘results, not just reports'. This means we deliver solutions that are both insightful and practical to deliver real value to our clients. Our commitment to ensuring that solutions can be implemented to our clients has helped CIS solidify a loyal client base and fosters our continued growth across all service lines. CIS clients come from a broad range of sizes and industries, all with their own unique challenges.

Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS) logo, Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS) contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
Location: Docklands, VIC, AU
Revenue: 1 - 2.5 Million
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Are you looking for contact information for Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS)? ConnectPlex is the place for you! Our comprehensive database contains company information for millions of companies across the globe, including those in the consulting and implementation services industry. With our AI-based lead generation products, you can easily find and connect with professionals in this field. Whether you're looking to collaborate on a project or seek advice from an expert, ConnectPlex can help you get in touch with the right people. At ConnectPlex, we understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date contact information. That's why we strive to provide the most current and reliable data available. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that our database is constantly updated and expanded, so you can be sure that you're getting the most relevant and useful information possible. With ConnectPlex, you can save time and effort in your search for contact information and focus on building valuable connections in the consulting and implementation services industry.

Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS) is a management consulting and advisory firm that has been delivering end-to-end business and management solutions to clients across various industries since 1995. Based in Docklands, Australia, the firm prides itself on providing clients with practical and insightful solutions that can be implemented to deliver real value. CIS has established a loyal client base and continues to grow its services, thanks to its commitment to ensuring that solutions are implementable. The firm's Managing Director, Greg Spinks, leads a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to delivering results, not just reports. With a focus on management services, CIS helps clients solve their unique challenges and improve their business operations. The firm's clients come from a broad range of sizes and industries, and CIS has established a reputation for delivering high-quality solutions that meet their needs. With a strong presence in the Australian market, CIS continues to be a trusted partner for businesses seeking to improve their management and operations.

CIS is a company that helps other businesses improve their operations and management. They provide advice and solutions that are tailored to each client's specific needs and goals. Since 1995, CIS has focused on delivering practical and effective solutions that bring real value to their clients, rather than just providing reports or recommendations. They work closely with their clients to ensure that their solutions can be successfully implemented, which has helped them build a loyal client base and grow their business. CIS works with businesses of all sizes and industries, and they are committed to helping each client overcome their unique challenges.

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