Alternative Dispute Resolution - Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Contact Matters is about parenting and pioneering a fresh approach to child conflict disputes. It's the future of child conflict resolution. Contact Matters is rescuing children's futures. M: 07929982285 L: 02920777066 BACKGROUNDTake a simple case consisting of 2 parents; 1 child; and no child issues - non-resident parents can find themselves embroiled in needlessly protracted litigation; at considerable expense; and no end in sight. This is both inevitable; yet, almost entirely avoidable.MEDIATION - can be ineffective as Mediators seem reluctant/ unwilling to communicate that clients continue to share parenting responsibilities, thus mediation often breaks down following a one-sided conversation.FAMILY COURTS,- despite emphasis on 'parenting plans', their report writers, Cafcass - upon whom the Judiciary rely - have no time-based guidelines apportioning time in the median case, yet they make 'time-based' recommendations that are rarely challenged. Also, given reliance on 'Hearsay Evidence' - any minor or imagined blemish in an Applicant parents character will suffice to limit or derail contact, perhaps indefinitely.Conversely, CONTACT MATTERS has a proven track record of timely resolution in this field using time-based guidelines* - working with non-resident parents, applying an 'Early Interventions' strategy; dealing with emotive issues and impaired parenting decisions arising from divorce trauma, and endeavouring to help parents find a resolve before or at Mediation; or, at The Family Court. Latterly, the Application is written such that the first Hearing can be the Last Hearing, where no reason exists to limit or deny child contact.*[Time-based solutions in keeping with professional guidelines titled, 'A Child's Contact With Non-Residential Parents' - outlining norms of quantum and frequency of a child's time; responsibilities of separating parents; underpinned by the 'good reason' principle].