Entertainment - , ,
Content Chunk™ specializes in cohesive content cultivation, marketing, branding, and distribution for today's musicians, filmmakers, gamers, trendsetters, and provocateurs—forward-thinkers with strong brand or personal identities. Founded by Kasem Coleman, an industry professional bringing to consumers and clients over 15 years of hands-on experience in many facets of the business of entertainment. We offer a powerful urban transmedia platform with immense consumer and industry reach. Content Chunk™ is where you can express yourself in every imaginable way to market, promote and distribute your brand or craft across cable & satellite television, mobile devices and virally through our website, app, and various viral syndication.What is CONTENT? Content is anything that represents you as a unique brand or individual! Musicians and Songwriters--your content is your music, your words! Filmmakers--your content is your reels, your digital files! Trendsetters and provocateurs, your content is whatever you think is hot! Forward-thinking, interactive and all standardized and social marketing basics—links to your websites and additional online profiles. Content Chunk™ will help you accessorize and maximize YOUR BRAND or YOU!What is a CHUNK? Your CHUNK is the way that you choose to cohesively use these options! It's like having your own personal chef and ordering a multi-course meal of YOUR BRAND or YOU!GET YOUR CHUNK!™www.contentchunk.co (coming soon)