Health, Wellness & Fitness - Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Stephanie Renaud is an 200RYT Yoga Instructor. Certified by Kashi Atlanta Urban Ashram in 2018. Registered and insured by the Yoga Alliance.Building the brand from ground up, Stephanie started Core Decoded with a blend of merchandise and service packages, combining self-care DIY kits with yoga instruction courses to deliver a holistic experience for her clients. Core Decoded has since evolved exclusively into Consulting. Focusing on workplace wellness, Stephanie conducts classes, researches strategies, and implements sustainable programs for individuals and corporations.2021- Collaborated with graphic designer to digitize logo - Formalized web platforms 2020- Converted products to service-only and launched live media online- Taught socially-distanced classes at corporate offices 2019- Promoted business via pop-up shops, social media, and POS advertising - Market tested and refined product branding2018- Created homeopathic self care kits- Developed packaging and merchandising