Education Management - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
The CORE Leadership Speaker Series is about educating leadership teams, and people who are likely to become part of leadership teams.The acronym CORE stands for: C – communication, O – open to innovation, R – relevant knowledge, and E – excellence in leadership.The concept was founded on the back of the momentum generated from an article published on Grounded Curiosity about senior non-commissioned officers (SNCO) closing the education gap between themselves and the commissioned officer. The important takeaway from a ‘leadership team' is it's a team. A team will cease to perform its core function if it loses credibility, and the key to credibility is remaining unified and maintaining currency/relevancy in the environment in which you work and lead.The CORE Leadership Speaker Series is designed to enable leadership teams to stay current in knowledge across the spectrum of frontline leadership. Topics will cover national security and policy, climate change, geopolitics, and regional and global flashpoints, but we will always re-zero on leadership.The series is currently being held monthly in the ACT, but we intend to expand interstate. To date, there has been great involvement from SNCOs across Canberra because our people recognise a "demand for greater intellectual capacity is being placed on the ADF SNCO in today's complex battlespace" (Sharp, 2019).CORE Leadership Speaker Series is sponsored by Ironside Coffee Co and Aquilifer Leadership.Follow on Twitter at @COREofLeaders