Nonprofit Organization Management - New York, New York, United States
CORE Services Group, Inc. (CORE) is a minority-governed 501(c)(3) nonprofit, human service and community economic development organization, whose mission is to help families with children, adolescents, and single adults harness their strengths to reach their highest potential. CORE aims to do so by identifying and breaking barriers that lead to poverty. In turn, building bridges to self-sufficiency and changing lives and communities for the better. CORE was founded in 2005 by President & CEO Jack Brown. It was born out of the realization that the needs of minority communities were unmet. More importantly, they were not understood by the providers who for 40 years failed to find workable solutions to address the social issues that plagued these communities. CORE's goal has always been to help the most vulnerable among us struggling with homelessness, substance abuse, and other disabling health and behavioral health conditions. Specifically, individuals whose residential needs go unaddressed because they do not fit neatly into the conventional methods used to solve homelessness. Since inception CORE has provided innovative and comprehensive: residential, case management, and supportive services, to homeless and other underserved populations. CORE fulfills its mission by connecting clients to livable wage jobs, real-world skill training, aftercare, and supportive services, in addition to safe and affordable housing. CORE currently operates 23 transitional, emergency, and shelter programs in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Upper Manhattan with a total of 1,696 units serving families with children, adults, and youth.