Leisure, Travel & Tourism - Paris, Ile-de-France, France
CORPOVIA, INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS DESIGNED TO EASE YOUR CORPORATE TRAVELCreated in 1989, Corpovia is very knowledgeable and experienced about corporate travel, its evolutions and trends.Corpovia selects solutions that effectively combine the best technology has to offer with a competent team to ensure an easy access to travel as well as an integrated cost control system. We understand that the TCO is paramount.A solution designed by and for the end user:Corpovia is the synthesis of expectations expressed by business travelers, CFO, procurement managers as well as travel coordinators.Price is just one component of the cost savings amongst others.The price is only one component of the cost savingsThanks to its international expertise and its negotiated agreements Corpovia offers a corporate bespoke service while ensuring total control of TCO through regular restitution KPI, monitoring of established.We implement solutions to help you monitoring / adjusting the best procurement practices, in line with the market offers, special agreements and our negotiated conditions.