Computer Software - , ,
Cortex-IT started out as a vehicle for the founder Wes Cravens to fulfill various freelance contracts in the mid 90s. Starting off as a Sole-Proprietorship it soon grew into a position requiring formal incorporation. The Company launched several web based applications for start-up companies and at it's height had 6 paid contributors.However after the dotcom bust drained all of the money out of the contract / start-up market in the UK, Wes set his sights on firstly going back to Leeds University to get a Computer Science degree but also on re-repatriating back to the US upon graduation.Wes continued to use Cortex-IT as a personal vehicle to provide further consultancy, freelance contracts, and training during his studies. At the end of the degree The Company was disbanded. Soon after however Cortex-IT Ltd was re-formed by one of the key members of its previous peak and continues to provide web based applications and services.
Microsoft Office 365