Chemicals - San Lazzaro di Savena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Coveme was founded in Bologna, Italy in 1965. For many years the company specialized in the distribution of flexible insulation materials in Italy and Europe. In the mid 1990's Coveme opened an own production plant in Gorizia and within few years the company has become one of the major players in the manufacturing of engineered polyester films for high-end uses. Today the turn-over related to converted film raises over 70% of the company's total with a clearly up-going tendency. Coveme's success keeps growing thanks to several important key factors: * Know-how gained from over 50 years of experience * Reliability of production lines equipped with the latest technology * Long lasting and profitable collaboration with international partners * Absolute transparency in all business relationships These are the elements that enabled Coveme to reach today's position as a leader in production and research in Italy and all over the world. Coveme is UNI EN Iso 9001:2000 certified.
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