Computer Software - Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Since 1993 CPS offers a broad assortment that is accessible at the warehouse, or, for not often purchased programs, under the order placements. The company's vendors are Adobe, Autodesk, BitDefender, Business Objects, Citrix, CodeGear, Cakewalk, Corel, eSafeLine, FileMaker, Graphisoft, Eset, Kerio, Macrovision, Magix, Microsoft, Nero, Novell, Oracle, Panda, ProgeSoft, Roxio, Shortcut, Symantec, Steinberg, Quest, VideoPort, VMware, 1C, Agnitum, ABBYY, Acronis, Aladdin, ASPLinux, Atlansys Software, Doctor Web, Kaspersky Lab, MapiLab, Prompt, Paragon.Follow our Clients' requests and with the help of our Vendors and software Developers, we are going to keep and consolidate positions of one of the software assortment leader in the Russian Federation. In 2007-2008 we signed several distribution and reseller contracts with foreign and domestic leaders in software development, such as Graphisoft (ArchiCAD), Gecad Technologies (Axigen Mail Servers), BitDefender, Quark Inc. and Cryptographic Systems. Several agreements with our potential Vendors are under consideration regularly.We also sell software products published by 80 Russian companies. The company organizes regular presentations of new products at various press events, makes marketing material and offers regular training for the dealers. Our customer service department prides itself in providing our clients with excellent pre and post-sale technical support. If all of the above is of interest to you, please contact us by email or phone. CPS is the wide-profile multi-brand software distributor:The basic regions of the CPS deliveries are Central, North-Western, Southern, Ural, Privolzsky (Volga), Siberian and Far-Eastern. We keep on expanding CPS Dealer-net, so our region's sales share increases steadily. Currently our client base contains more then 1 500 dealers in all regions.
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Yandex Metrica