Health, Wellness & Fitness - Leeming, Western Australia, Australia
Welcome to Crank Health and Fitness! If you are ready to change the way you think about your health, exercise, diet or lifestyle, you have come to the right place.I cater for all ages, genders, shapes, sizes, exercise enthusiasts, couch potato's, pre-natal/post-natal, occasions, timeframes, interests and injuries.Crank Health and Fitness was established by Mel Smith in October 2008, to allow the people of Perth to access a personal trainer that is affordable, fun and mobile for your convenience. My aim is to involve people in daily exercise, as well as educating them on nutrition and fun lifestyle activities.There are many benefits of exercising: increasing cardio fitness, to loose weight and tone muscles, increase your metabolism, lower your blood pressure, to maximise oxygen delivery and uptake by working muscles, even to help with flexibility in your day-to-day activities. A minimum of thirty minutes exercise should be carried out on a daily basis, whether this involves taking the dog for a walk, walking to and from the shops, going for a jog around the oval, walking the kids to school, kicking the footy or any other activity you enjoy. The best way to exercise is to interact with other people, that way, you are killing two birds with one stone. If you exercise with others, you are more inclined to partake in the activity regularly.