Financial Services - New York, NY, US
CREATIVITYBy working together with Creative Capital Partners, we can assemble your structure in a manner that both meets your needs yet will be fully accepted by the investor community.Structuring the best types of deals is by no means an art-form but it does involve imagination. By using (and in some cases) creating the newest structuring techniques Creative Capital Partners can bring together all that is best in analysis, law and in the case of securitization rating theory. We are very big users of technology because we believe that in general it can help expedite routine tasks. However, Creative Capital Partners recognize that technology without application cannot generate the solutions soughtINDEPENDENCECreative Capital Partners is unique in that we are absolutely independent and form our skills around a small number of core activities including structuring and advisory. Creative Capital Partners are client driven and most importantly have no outside shareholders to cross sell on behalf of. Creative Capital Partners. We recognize that this is an area that is best served by larger institutions. Nonetheless, we do not shy away from those larger deals that investment banks see as their domain.Whilst Creative Capital Partners do not underwrite debt securities, our extensive knowledge of the asset-backed debt capital markets can provide their clients with private placement expertise to the top tier investors on a "one-to-one" basis that may not be available through other channels.A PARTNERSHIPWe believe that by allowing Creative Capital Partners to concentrate on what we do best, banks can turn their attention to their traditional strengths of providing capital and liquidity thus giving our clients the best of both worlds. In this way, the introduction of an independent arranger is complementary to mainstream banking and will not divorce a client from its traditional banking relationships.