Entertainment/Media - N/A, N/A, N/A
An Entertainment Production Company From it's inception CREATIVEOTIS has always strived to bethe best. As a creative production company, CREATIVEOTISis constantly working on the cutting edge of new ideas andinnovations in the field of entertainment and entertainmentproduction. It's founder and president, Otis Sallid, has oftentouted the companies ability to take a concept from "the pageto the stage." "It is what we do", says Otis.Our mission statement, says Otis, is that we do not have amission statement. We have a philosophy. Our philosophy isthat we are always in the pursuit of excellence.Our clients have always been proud of our product and weare proud to stand side by side with them as they usher thefinished idea into the marketplace. Even in the most difficultof situations we, as a company, have always been able toassemble a team of creatives who can make the impossible,possible.
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