Higher Education - Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands
R E I N V E N T T H E W O R L DStudent-run committee hosting the first crisis simulation at the University of Groningen Campus Fryslân. Through the CRIsim.summit, we hope to gather over 140 diverse participants and topic experts from around the world, in a unique and one-of-a-kind conference to strategically tackle a multi-faceted crisis scenario.This is CRIsim. CRIsim is an original and eye-opening conference concept hosted in Leeuwarden's pioneering Campus Fryslân faculty. We created a new, innovative solution to the age-old Model United Nations (MUN) concept when it comes to simulating real-life governance, conflict- and disaster management. This Conference is made possible through the great cooperation with the University faculty board of Campus Fryslan, as well as our student governing body, the Study Association Nobis Cura Futuri or in short, NCF. NCF is the first study association at the innovative and multi-disciplinary faculty here in Leeuwarden. It is grounded in the same values and set forth ideals which we as an organising committee wish to fulfil, for "The care of the future is ours". *Mission Statement:*Knowledge - the knowledge gained summarises the detailed workings of organisation, professionalism and understanding developed to boost the perspectives of potential leaders in tomorrows world.Sustainability - every aspect of this event is to be made within the long-term benefit for each individual involved and participating, the community surrounding them, and the environment we benefit from.Understanding - without a concrete understanding of each other's ideas and perceptions, we open up the risk of misconceiving the world around us, hence why we hope to utilise the networks and individual standpoints to develop new ideas in a team setting.