Mental Health Care - Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States
Our clinicians strive to help you find your better self. We work with children, adolescents, adults and older adults who seek help for a variety of presenting problems, including long-standing relationship difficulties (e.g., loneliness, alienation, family of origin, destructive relationships), working through trauma, pornography and sex addiction, and poor self esteem. We also offer services in a variety of legal matters. We conduct evaluations in criminal matters, such as criminal competencies (e.g., to stand trial, waive Miranda, or be executed), criminal responsibility, and sentence mitigation. Evaluations in several civil domains, including the evaluation of personal injury claimants presenting with conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other psychological disorders as well as harassment and discrimination based on sex, race or ethnicity, age or other basis are also available. An objective and thorough evaluation that investigates multiple hypotheses (e.g., honest reporting, malingering) helps an attorney properly value a case and make sound decisions about resolution.Finally, our firm provides evaluation and consultation in matters related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (e.g., substantiating disability and recommending reasonable accommodations), fitness to return to work, and the psychological component of a threat assessment.
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