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The Crowdsortium is a group of crowdsourcing industry practitioners thathave self-organized to advance the crowdsourcing industry through bestpractices, education, data collection and public dialog.WHAT WE DOThe crowdsourcing model is continually being applied to newproblems. Crowdsourcing platforms now exist as means toperform distributed tasks, co-create complex solutions, andsource the best expert and amateur workers for projects requiringspecialized skills.As the problems crowdsourcing address become more complex,so do the problems that the crowdsourcing ecosystem face.For example:• What crowdsourcing model should we use?• How do we handle intellectual property rights?• How do we logistically manage international participants?• How do we fairly reward participants for their work?• What are the benefits of monetary versus non-monetary rewards?• How can game mechanics influence crowd dynamics?• Should the crowd be anonymous or individually identified with their real names?Crowdsourcing businesses tend to share the same problems. TheCrowdsortium is designed to use the very mechanism the industryis built upon – crowdsourcing – to solve these problems. Applyingthe collective wisdom of our experiences benefits all members.Currently there are more than 75 members of the Crowdsortium.Members contribute new thoughts, ideas and solutions thatbenefit every part of the ecosystem, helping it to continuouslyevolve and grow.