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CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING AND RECOVERYCRR Consultancy Ltd. has been involved in turning around companies in various industries.CRR Consultancy Ltd. specialises in the management of change.We provide extensive firsthand experience in all functional areas. We have had to do it ourselves as line managers rather than as advisors. CRR Consultancy Ltd. assumes hands-on responsibility for company management and direction, working with current management, and doing whatever is required to maximise value.CRR Consultancy Ltd. specialises in situations where in-house expertise is either not available or not suitable. We provide management for companies in crisis while leading them back to health. We can provide temporary replacements at times of unexpected executive change. Examples of areas in which we can provide expertise and assistance are:• Crisis management — cash management, asset reduction and short term financing;• Stakeholder management — debt and equity providers, suppliers, customers, managers and staff;• Turnaround planning — leadership, strategic focus, organisational change, and critical process improvements;• Financial restructuring — increasing working capital to acceptable levels.• Due Diligence• Facilitating achievement of capital requirements for companies that are ready for the next stage of growth or that need alternative funding sources.