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What is Crux?Crux is a community-funded website that delivers action and issues-focussed public interest journalism to the Southern Lakes and Central Otago regions of New Zealand's South Island.What does the Crux brand mean?We selected and trademarked the Crux brand name because it represents getting to the heart of the matter and also is the name of the Southern Cross constellation.Why is it important now?We need some form of quality journalism to document, explain and act on the complex issues that face our region. Journalism has been funded by advertising in the past but, thanks to Google and Facebook, that model is terminally broken. We are at a crunch point in our community's development - low wages, expensive housing, explosive growth and many people leaving because they cannot afford to stay here. Good quality community journalism can help fix these critical issues. What are we committed to?Quality journalism. Pure and simple. Balanced, fair and accurate. And, if necessary, long! Our community can't be distilled into click-bait or an external template. We will listen, question, research, compare and explain. If a story takes weeks or months - then that's what we will commit to. We'll welcome comments and act on them. We are politically neutral - but committed to equal opportunity in all aspects of society. We'll be courageous and respectful.
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