Internet - THE CENTRAL, N/A, SG
CryptoWorld, established in Singapore in 2018, is a company making development in the gaming industry with blockchain technology. Currently, CryptoWorld's self-developed public blockchain (CWV) is the world's first main chain mechanism which integrates a multi-chain, and acts as a representation of the 3.0 era of blockchain technologies and products.CWV utilizes Raft+DPoS consensus algorithm, a combination of an alliance chain and individual public chains, which allows for high-performance. CWV is a basic chain with multi-chain mechanisms and is able to carry out millions of transactions while meeting high-performance standards. At the same time, CWV is able to maintain safe and efficient consensus mechanisms and distributed ledgers.CryptoWorld's public blockchain (CWV) comes with the SPEEDFORCE rapid transaction transmission network, which is similar to Ethereum's lightning network, but is faster, more powerful, has millisecond processing speed, and can, theoretically, support theoretically tens of thousands of transactions. With an open cross-chain trading API, a shared ledger system, a software development kit (SDK), and smart contracts, CWV is an open platform that supports blockchain application development.加密世界在2018年成立于新加坡,专注于区块链游戏应用平台的开发的公司。加密世界链(CWV)是全球首条多链机制融合主链,是真正的区块链 3.0 时代的产品。 该链是基于 Raft+DPoS 共识算法、结合了高性能联盟链和个人公有链的融合主链,是一个 多链机制的基础链,在承载百万级交易需求和更高性能需求的智能应用的情况下,依然可以 保持安全高效的共识机制和分布式账本。同时,加密世界链(CWV)自带 SPEEDFORCE 快速交易传输网络,该网络类似于以太 坊的闪电网络,但交易速度更快、能力更强,具有毫秒级的处理速度和理论上百万级的交易 处理能力;带有开放跨链交易 API、智能合约、容器运行 sdk 和共享账本体系,是一个支撑 区块链应用开发的开放平台。
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