Information Technology & Services - Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
The Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security (CrySyS Lab) is committed to carry out internationally recognized, high quality research on security in computer systems and networks, and to teach IT security and applied cryptography at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The lab also provides consulting services upon request, including penetration testing (ethical hacking) and technical assistance in incident response. We strongly believe in problem driven, project oriented research, hence we participate in R&D projects, where we collaborate with industry partners and academic institutions, and maintain strong international connections.Notes: CrySyS Lab belongs to the Department of Networked Systems and Services at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. It is not a company, but a university research lab. The official Hungarian name of the lab is CrySyS Adat- és Rendszerbiztonság Laboratórium. Lab members pronounce CrySyS as [kri:sis].
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