Nonprofit Organization Management - , , Viet Nam
Center for Studies and Applied Sciences in Gender – Family - Women and Adolescents (CSAGA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the implementation of the rights of women and children who are affected by violence and discrimination in Vietnam.CSAGA's activities focus on gender and gender equality, gender-based violence prevention, human trafficking, LGBT rights, corporal and psychological punishment against children prevention. Our approaches include: advocacy, counselling, training, awareness raising, and communication campaign.CSAGA is one of the co-founders and coordinators of the Domestic Violence Prevention Network in Vietnam (DOVIPNET). CSAGA' is regularly consulted by the Committee on Social Affairs of the National Assembly to contribute ideas to important laws and policies such as the National Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control, National Strategy on Gender Equality, National Action Program on Gender Equality. CSAGA has cooperated closely with Family Department, Gender Equality Department and other partners at provincial, district and communal levels to carry out programs and activities about gender equality and gender-based violence prevention.CSAGA also has a long history of successful cooperation with UN agencies, international NGOs, and foundations such as UN Women, Oxfam, Global Fund for Women, Attlantic Philantropies, UNIAP or IOM.
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