Human Resources - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
We empower schools to transform their culture!From our founders to our team of valued advisors we are all united by a common desire to improve educational outcomes. Experts all agree improving organisational culture is the most important first step towards school improvement.Michael Fullan has been saying for years that principals should prioritise culture before anything else in schools. That's exactly what we do. At Culture Shock, we take our deep education experience, decades of research on effective schools and combine it with the very best tools and ideas from the business world. We know that improving student outcomes depends on thriving teachers so we give principals and leadership teams the insight and support to help teachers thrive. Grades, graduation rates, attendance, student outcomes … all of these are improved when the culture of a school supports teachers (instead of hindering them!). It's shockingly simpleOur three step process takes the guesswork out of culture design. 1. Analyse It all starts with diagnosing your current culture. Our detailed reports include a road-map and intuitive graphics, making it easy to see how to reach your goals faster. 2. RecultureAfter you've been diagnosed, we provide you with a practical road-map with bite sized interventions (designed specifically for overwhelmed schools). To do this, we bring you the best of corporate culture management tailored specifically to the practical needs of busy schools. This could include change management planning, leadership assessment, short courses, peer coaching programs, mentoring, tailored professional development, focused online pulse surveys, keynotes or something totally different. Always focused on making the complex simple. 3. ReinforceOnce you've implemented changes, we measure progress and results. We will work with you to analyse what's worked and what hasn't, so you can overcome any difficulties and reward the successes.