Import & Export - Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Zolldienstleistungen europaweit!Customs Services - across all of Europe!Тамoжeнныe услуги - пo всeй Еврoпe!Import, Export, Transit, Intrastat.Homepage: www.zollagentur.berlinZOLLAGENTUR BERLIN – is a modern customs agency that operates internationally. We are located in Berlin and have 10 years work experience in customs clearance. In our agency you will find an experienced, competent and reliable partner for all your questions relating to customs clearance.We speak German, English and Russian.Our portfolio includes:- export accompanying documents EAD (EX-1)- customs clearance for temporary export- customs clearance of imported goods- customs clearance of returned goods- customs declaration for temporary admission of goods- customs declaration for inward processing- customs clearance of household effects or inherited property- transit declarations T1 and T2 (NCTS)- issue of TIR carnets and electronic copies NCTS-TIR- issue of CMR waybill- neutralisation and delivery of documents- issue of EUR.1, A.TR., T2L and T2LF- INTRASTAT reportCurrently we are able to carry out customs clearance in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, UK, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Norway, France and Romania. See map for details: you are interested in our services or have any questions, we will be pleased to provide you with the relevant information, by phone +49 (0) 30 1208952-90, Email or fax +49 (0) 30 1208952-99 .Imprint Zollagentur Berlin