International Affairs - Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
A Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Brasileira-CCIBRA, contribui e atua para a intensificação e integração das relações não só econômicas e comerciais, mas, também, para o fomento das relações sociais, culturais e tecnológicas, fundamentais para o crescimento e progresso de todos os países envolvidos. Tem como objetivo desenvolver relações estratégicas e sólidas que visam a uma integração efetiva e a um estreitamento dessas relações, de forma permanente.The Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIBRA) was established to share an effective and vital role in the organization of economic life and prosperity of its commercial, industrial and professional Sectors at all levels in cooperation with the competent agencies and institutions and local departments.For this reason the (CCIBRA) was keen that its membership includes all types of companies and institutions engaged in economic activities in Brazil, whether commercial, industrial or professional. It was imperative for the Chamber to keep pace with the movement of economic and cultural development witnessed by the State of Brazil in its infancy; it was inevitable that we work on building a huge strategy that helps in the process of lasting progress for our country, which demarcates to the (CCIBRA) its ambitious goals. And develop means to achieve them through an administrative and executive apparatus depending on the responsibilities, and to allow her bigger domains and larger terms of reference to enable her to continue the process of giving positive contributions in all economic sectors and advisory service to society in all groups of classes commensurate with the new economic developments.