Environmental Services - , ,
D-Waste Waste Management for Everyone. D-Waste is a global initiative providing waste management products and services easily accessible and affordable for everyone. We are a global team of experts, with more than 20 years experience in waste management. We are looking for partners worldwide and we call everyone to Ask us any product or service required, to Join us as a partner or expert and Publish any idea that could be useful for the waste management community. We believe that waste management is a human right. We based on massive collaboration through internet. D-waste is your partner for every waste management need. Visit our website to find free materials (reports, presentations, application, spreadsheets) concerning waste management issues. We provide services worldwide. Our approach is simple: we want to make waste management consulting easily accessible and affordable for all those who need it. In that framework we deliver different services with the same concept: easy access and cost–effectiveness. Remember our unique service is 100% customization…
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